Welcome To the Rhoda Wise House & Grotto
“Cures more wonderful than your own will take place on this spot.”
Our mission is to participate in the New Evangelization of the Catholic Church by promoting and preserving the legacy of the mystic and stigmatic, Rhoda Wise, with particular attention to her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Therese, the Little Flower, and the Holy Rosary. We are owned by Rhoda Wise Shrine, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit corporation organized to preserve the legacy of Rhoda Wise, mystic and stigmatic. May these pages strengthen your faith in the profound love to be found in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ for each one of us.

Wife. Mother. Convert. Stigmatist.
“You want to know about the grotto. It must be built. I tell you again. It will be the beginning of wonderful things that will happen.”
Jesus to Rhoda June 28, 1944
VIDEO: They Might Be Saints
In Canton, Ohio, Rhoda Wise was well-known as a mystic with many spiritual gifts and healing miracles, one of them experienced by Rita Rizzo, the future Mother Angelica. Michael O’Neill relates her remarkable story. Video courtesy of EWTN
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