New Beginnings

 In Stories of Healing

In 2003, a friend of my daughter who lives in Canton met my then future son-in-law and said to him “You remind me of a friend of mine who has so much in common with you—faith, interests, goals, etc.  I would love for you to meet her, but she is in another relationship.”  My son-in-law said, “I will give you my number.  If she is ever free, give me a call.”  This friend of my daughter had no religious upbringing, knows little about a faith walk, but recognized God’s prompting in this situation. The rest is history.  My daughter for the last time in tears and disappointment broke off that relationship, was introduced to her future husband and was married in late October, 2005.  Yes, he is the godly man that I prayed for at the home of Rhoda Wise in 2001, and God sent through the intercession of St. Therese, my daughter’s patron saint.  They are growing spiritually together enjoying their life in the Church. Praise God for His faithfulness–in His time, not ours.

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